Innovative Process

We don't think out of the box because there is no box. We look at every project as a unique opportunity to successfully implement the visions of our clients. These visions vary and yet we meet each desire with the same intensity and integrity.

KITCHEN EFFICIENCIESDesigning the proper workflows are critical

We have been hired to improve the efficiencies of current restaurants and hospitality groups in order to improve systems, lower costs and increase profits. Sometimes a small percentage in efficiency can make dramatic improvements in profits, employee satisfaction, safety and overall customer satisfaction.

With every project comes a host of issues and problems, here is a sampling of how BBI Architects came up with viable solutions….

How to speed up the drive thru?

  • Solution: After careful study and evaluation, the pinch point was determined to be the amount of time required at the order point.

    Solution Evaluation:

    • First, we placed team members outside in the drive thru lane to take orders before the menu board location

    • Issues encountered:

      • Some customers did not like the approach,

      • It was a little dangerous for team members

      • It was not always practicable due to weather and other issues

        We tried numerous variations on this theme before arriving at the current solution.

  • BBI’s Ultimate Solution: Double Drive-thru. The double drive thru simply features two menu boards and order point to serve more cars per minute. The approach has proved to be wildly successful and has been adopted by most of the fast food industry.

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How to keep electrical cords off the floor and out of the way for cleaning?

…and How to reduce the amount of clearance depth from the back of equipment to the wall required for cam lock electrical plugs?

  • BBI’s Solution: BBI designed a recessed wall inserter that combined a tucked away location for the plugs and spring /hinge arm to keep the cables off the floor neat and organized.

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How to better evaluate sites and site development issues in order to more accurately determine where they fit into the overall production schedule?

Solution: BBI created a Site Development Report that is prepared for each site approved for development. The report is designed a evaluation report to:

1.     outline the approval processes and the people involved

2.     uncover potential development issues

3.     determine the processes and people involved required to address the issues

4.     establish a timeline for addressing each issue


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